Pumps for fire-fighting systems

18.11.2014, Issue 5/ / /

  • Pumps for fire-fighting systems





Heat pump water heaters

Heat pump water heaters

Fire pump installations for high-rise buildings

Fire pump installations for high-rise buildings

Modern solutions for irrigation and watering systems

Modern solutions for irrigation and watering systems

P & M Group: The Hydro МРС CR hydro systems perform dynamic adjustment of pump speed

P & M Group: The Hydro МРС CR hydro systems perform dynamic adjustment of pump speed

Energy efficiency of district heating substations –part II

Energy efficiency of district heating substations –part II

ANDI BG: А combination of different fire extinguishing systems is used inb industrial sites

ANDI BG: А combination of different fire extinguishing systems is used inb industrial sites

Automatic and semi-automatic fire water systems

Automatic and semi-automatic fire water systems

Най-разпространените гасителни инсталации на база вода са т. нар. автоматични (спринклерни) и полуавтоматични (дренчерни) противопожарни системи. Изборът на конкретна система зависи от предназначението на сградата или помещението и предварително определеното ниво на безопасност за хората, имуществото и съоръженията.


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