Archived issues

Special issue 2/2014

TD Installations magazine

Issue 2/2014 of TD Installations presents a technology review of modern biomass heating systems in its HVAC section. The article focuses on successful practices, innovative products and effective solutions from leading suppliers of heating systems on the Bulgarian market.

Special issue 1/2014

TD Installations magazine

Issue 1/2014 of TD Installations Magazine introduces the topic „Requirements for cables and conductors under extreme loads” in section „Electric Installations”. It focuses on the specifics that cables and conductors need to cover to maintain their functionality in case of fire.

Special issue 6/2013

TD Installations magazine

In the last issue of TD Installations Magazine for 2013 the “Electric Installations” section is dedicated to the topic of electrical block terminals. The article presents various classifications of terminals, as well as additional elements, encompassed in the blocks.

Special issue 5/2013

TD Installations magazine

TD Installations, issue 5/2013 introduces the subject Innovative technologies in Capital Fort in its section Projects, accomplishments. The 126-meter building is to be inaugurated in 2014.

Special issue 4/2013

TD Installations magazine

TD Installations, issue 4/2013 introduces the subject of Energy renovation of residential buildings with European funding. Comments on the topic are made by representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development, the Bulgarian Association for Construction Insulation, as well as some of the leading companies offering solutions in this field.

Special issue 3/2013

TD Installations magazine

Issue 3/2013 of the magazine presents an extensive material for modern building installations in the new City Clinic hospital. Projects section contains also "Voice evacuation system and background sound in Paradise Center in Sofia".

Special issue 2/2013

TD Installations magazine

Новият брой на сп. ТД Инсталации представя спецификите в изграждането на покривни соларни системи.

Special issue 1/2013

TD Installations magazine

In issue 1/2013 we present the latest trends in building automation systems. Continuation of the topics from the last issue examines the specifics of the HVAC and fire extinguishing installations in Bulgaria Mall, and the building installations in the newly build Paradise Mall.

Special issue 6/2012

TD Installations magazine

Issue 6/2012 examines the specifics of building installations in the newly built Bulgaria Mall and Paradise center. The material will be continued in the next issue of the magazine.

Special issue 5/2012

TD Installations magazine

Issue 5/2012 of the magazine will present the contemporary standards for sustainable development, which asses the degree of evironmental and energy efficiency of buildings - British standard BREEAM, American LEED and German DGNB. In the Automation section you will find the type of sensors to control the microclimate in buildings that measure the concentration of CO2, humidity, temperature and light.

Special issue 4/2012

TD Installations magazine

In issue 4/2012 of TD Installations Magazine, dedicated to the upcoming edition of International Technical Fair – Plovdiv, you may find the article Building automation systems technology Modbus (p. 24).

Special issue 3/2012

TD Installations magazine

The new issue of TD installations magazine presents the latest market trends in Security systems and HVAC installations areas. On page 15 you can find the latest products and technologies from leading companies, offering security systems of the Bulgarian market.


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