Archived issues

Special issue 2/2012

TD Installations magazine

In issue 2/2012 of TD Installations magazine leading Bulgarian energy services providers discuss the hot topic for compulsory replacement of all heat metering devices with devices for remote reading. In our new column "Expert" you can read about key trends in the choice of solutions for fire detection, fire-fighting equipment and access control in buildings, in the opinion of 15 experts in the field of security systems (p.

Special issue 1/2012

TD Installations magazine

The new issue of TD Installations presents an overview of current projects for building automation, based on KNX communication standard and realized by Bulgarian companies. Section for electrical installations is dedicated to emergency power supplies in buildings - UPS, batteries and diesel generators.

Special issue 6/2011

TD Installations magazine

In the last issue of TD Installations magazine for this year we present some interesting projects, like construction of Sopharma Business Towers. The article describes specifics of the building installations and embedded energy efficient technologies.

Special issue 5/2011

TD Installations magazine

New issue of the magazine presents solutions for HVAC systems efficiency improvement. The HVAC equipment section also contains an article about current trends in heating systems.

Special issue 4/2011

TD Installations magazine

Issue 4 /2011 presents the technical characteristics of modern smoke detectors and product range available on the Bulgarian market. The magazine also contains an overview of the latest products and technologies in the field of elevator systems.

Special issue 3/2011

TD Installations magazine

The new issue of the magazine presents the possibilities for integration of remote energy measurement systems in Building Management Systems (BMS). Lighting section presents the types of wireless systems for lighting control and the most commonly used for this purpose communication protocols.

Special issue 2/2011

TD Installations magazine

Issue 2/ 2011 of TD Installations presents the possibilities for automatic control of building HVAC systems, as well as some special features of design and construction of hotel’s electrical installation. The theme in the rubric of light is focused on the use of LEDs in exterior lighting systems.

Special issue 1/2011

TD Installations magazine

The 50th magazine edition presents advanced solutions for hotel lighting cost optimization. The article discusses some types of control systems and automation of lighting, which provide significant energy savings.

Special issue 8/2010

TD Installations magazine

В последния брой за тази година ще ви представим някои технически решения за отопление, вентилация и климатизация на големи търговски центрове. В същата рубрика може да прочете и коментара на доц.

Special issue 7/2010

TD Installations magazine

В брой 7/2010 на списанието ще ви запознаем със спецификите на използваните системи за отопление, вентилация и климатизация в сгради – архитектурни и културни паметници. В рубриката „ОВК оборудване” може да прочете още коментар от проф.

Special issue 6/2010

TD Installations magazine

Корична тема на новия брой са кондензационните котли, с акцент върху експлоатационните специфики и мероприятия, водещи до постигане на по-висока ефективност. В рубриката „ОВК” може да прочете още за съвременните енергийноефективни методи за механична и естествена вентилация на помещенията.

Special issue 5/2010

TD Installations magazine

В новия брой може да прочетете за съвременните интелигентни сгради. В рубриката „Продукти и доставчици” ви представяме светодиодни осветителни компоненти и системи от водещи български производители и вносители.


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